Young Adult Underage Drinking Prevention

Young Adult Underage Drinking Prevention

In 2017, the Washington State Health Care Authority partnered with GMMB to develop and implement a statewide effort to prevent underage drinking among college students, ages 18-20.

After conducting research and concept testing, GMMB developed the Rethinking College Drinking campaign to educate college students about the risks and consequences of underage alcohol use, disrupt perceptions of drinking culture, and offer healthy ways to deal with stress, anxiety, and boredom — reasons students often cite for drinking.

The Rethinking College Drinking campaign included posters, social ads, print ads, and radio spots.

The campaign also included a video that describes the BAR Lab experiment showing people don’t need alcohol to be social, along with a series of Q&A videos with experts. 

GMMB also developed, a website with alcohol and marijuana prevention information and resources, plus a toolkit to share campaign assets with partners. Overall, the campaign generated a total of 28,780,540 impressions and 2,074,141 video completions.