GMMB Response to Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Competitive Solicitation No. 20422 – Category 2
Contact: Janet Goss,
3.1 Branding Package: Washington State Department of Health Commercial Tobacco: Youth and Young Adult Prevention and Education Campaign — Choose You Campaign
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) engaged GMMB to develop a youth-focused statewide campaign to prevent and reduce commercial tobacco product use and promote cessation strategies and resources. GMMB developed a new brand, branded assets, and a roll out plan to reach Washington State youth.
Creative for Testing
Original creative concepts and messaging to be tested in Washington State teen statewide online discussion groups.
Executive Summary
GMMB worked with a professional research firm and DOH to recruit a diverse pool of youth from across the state to conduct creative testing. The online discussion was open from December 13, 2022, to January 31, 2023.
Final Creative Post Testing
Following the testing, GMMB refined the creative concepts and created the final brand look and feel for Choose You. This also includes the final positioning statement for the Choose You brand.
Choose You Style Guide
GMMB created a Choose You brand guide for use by WADOH and community partners to ensure consistency of voice across all collateral.
Choose You Assets
GMMB also extended the brand with a host of assets and materials. For example: videos in English and Spanish; radio spots; animated banner ads; paid social graphics for Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook; English and Spanish organic social; quick screen banners; English and Spanish posters with space for partner logos; billboards; and backgrounders.