GMMB Response to Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Competitive Solicitation No. 20422 – Category 1
Contact: Melissa Simpson,
- Washington Regional Alcohol Program
Washington Regional Alcohol Program
Project Sample 3: Washington Regional Alcohol Program and the Virginia DMV
As a grantee of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) manages Virginia’s Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign (previously Checkpoint Strikeforce) to prevent drunk driving crashes and fatalities. In 2018, GMMB and our research partner, Lake Research, joined the initiative to create compelling, research-based creative that increases awareness about this stepped-up enforcement and breaks through to those most likely to get behind the wheel after drinking: men ages 21-35.
GMMB developed the Act Like It creative campaign off of two primary insights from audience focus groups: 1) young men view drunk driving as immature, irresponsible behavior inconsistent with how they see themselves; and 2) humor is an effective messaging tool for young men. Our ‘man-baby’ creative series, which we’ve reimagined year-over-year, reminds young men, “if you’re old enough to drink, act like it. Plan a safe ride home.”
To reach our audiences of both English and Spanish-speaking young men, we deploy the campaign message through the surround-sound tactics of paid, earned, social media, and community partnerships. We know from annual audience surveys that community leaders like doctors, government officials, and law enforcement are trusted sources for our audiences. GMMB works with WRAP to leverage partnerships with the Virginia Governor’s Office, the Virginia State Police, and VCU Health in Richmond to amplify campaign messaging at our annual press conferences and online.
Each year, GMMB’s paid media team develops a digital-first paid media strategy to meet our audiences where they spend their time: on social media, dating and gaming apps, and streaming platforms. We supplement digital tactics with out-of-home placements in restaurants and bars, liquor stores, and concert and sports venues, where the messaging is most timely and relevant. Since 2018, the award-winning campaign has secured an estimated total of 260 million paid impressions and a reach of 322 million audience members through earned tactics. The descriptions and deliverables for Requirement ID 4.1-4.11 demonstrate the strategies and tactics we deploy to achieve these results and to create a larger social impact.
MarCom Awards
- Integrated Campaign, WRAP Act Like It – Gold
- Video/Audio, WRAP Act Like It – Gold
- Nonprofit Video, WRAP Act Like It – Gold
- Social Impact Award for Best PSA, WRAP Act Like It – Won
- Best Video Storytelling, WRAP Act Like It – Honorable mention
- Best Health and Public Safety Campaign, WRAP Act Like It – Honorable mention
Hermes Creative Awards
- Gold Spot – WRAP Act Like It
- Gold Spot – WRAP Act Like It At Home
IAC Awards
- Best Non-Profit Online Video, WRAP Act Like It – Won
GDUSA Design Awards
- 59th GDUSA Awards Design For Good Award, WRAP Act Like It – Won
Summit Creative Awards
- Best Campaign, WRAP Act Like It – Won
4.1 Audience Analysis, Research, and Message Testing
Each year, GMMB works closely with Lake Research to conduct pre- and post-test surveys among Virginia males, ages 21 – 35: the group that state research shows is at greatest risk for alcohol-impaired driving. These surveys provide a longitudinal look at our audience’s perceptions about drunk driving, their awareness about the campaign, and other information that we can use in our media materials and to inform our campaign strategy.
4.2 Transcreation and Culture-Centered Messaging
Example 1 – Transcreated Digital Banners
Example 2 – Transcreated Radio Spot
Spanish radio ad
English radio ad
4.3 Communications Plan
Each spring, GMMB works closely with our clients to build a marketing and communications plan including paid, earned, social, website, messaging, and partnership strategies. Our marketing and communications plan is built around an annual budget of $1.02 million, 80-90% of which is dedicated to the paid media buy. We typically supplement this with a Labor Day launch strategy memo and a holiday wave memo, providing more specifics about our outreach for these two major enforcement windows.
4.4 Idea and Brand Development
Example 1 – 2020 Act Like It Concept Deck
Example 2 – Act Like It “At Home” :30 Video Spot and Production Deck
4.5 Writing
Example 1 – PSA Script; Video
Example 2 – Website
4.6 Quality
Example 1 – 2021 Act Like It Radio Spot
Example 2 – 2020 ‘Dreaming’ Billboard
Example 3 – 2022 Act Like It :30 Video
4.7 Media Planning
Each year, GMMB’s paid media team develops a digital-first paid media strategy to meet our audience (males 21-35) where they spend their time: on social media, on audio and video streaming platforms, and out at restaurants and bars, liquor stores, and concert and sports venues, where the messaging is most timely and relevant. We also leverage our relationships with paid media vendors to deliver targeted added value for WRAP across the media buy.
4.8 Social Media
Example 1 – Social Video Ad (paid) that ran on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat
Example 2 – Social Asset from 2023 Partner Social Toolkit
Example 3 – Organic Social Post that ran on X
4.11 Evaluation and Measuring Impact
GMMB’s paid media report looks across both waves of our campaign: the Labor Day launch and the holiday wave. We look at the estimated reach of our ads, engagement metrics like click-through rates and video completions, and how we perform against standard benchmarks for each advertising platform. We analyze which platforms and creative assets were most effective and provide explanations and observations. All of these reporting metrics are used to inform and improve the next year’s campaign.